Edward L Winer
Attorneys Minneapolis, Minnesota Lawyers
Edward L Winer
Moss & Barnett
Wells Fargo Center #4800
90 S 7th St
Minneapolis MN 55402-4129
Tel: 612 877-5295
Fax: 612 877-5999
E-mail: winere@moss-barnett.com
Mr. Winer has practiced family law for almost four decades and is expert in drafting, negotiating and litigating antenuptial and postnuptial agreements, addressing business valuations, complex property divisions and other business-related issues. He helps clients in complex dissolution proceedings, especially those involving business and professional practice issues, intellectual property, spousal maintenance, and matters relating to closely held and family-owned enterprises. He has litigated numerous cases involving the enforceability of premarital agreements. He has provided caring legal services in some of the leading cases regarding spousal maintenance, non-marital property and other challenging family law matters. He also handles post-dissolution matters, including modifications and appeals.
Mr. Winer supports alternative dispute resolution and has been quoted as stating: "If we can minimize the emotion, the probability of a successful and earlier settlement is dramatically increased." He has served as a mediator and is certified as an arbitrator by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
Mr. Winer utilizes a team approach involving paralegals, Moss & Barnett family law lawyers, and other non‑Moss & Barnett professionals as needed to provide services as efficiently as possible. If it is in the best interests of his clients, he also uses the many resources of Moss & Barnett's attorneys by appropriately involving business lawyers, intellectual property lawyers, estate planners, tax attorneys, and others with required expertise.
Mr. Winer has been retained to represent clients in a number of other jurisdictions, most recently in Wisconsin, Florida, Colorado and Nevada, and he is retained frequently to consult with other counsel to provide assistance as an expert witness or co-counsel.
Mr. Winer is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, a past president of the Minnesota Chapter, and is a frequent legal author, lecturer and a media contact. He has written and lectured extensively on premarital and post-marital agreements. He has been quoted in numerous national publications, has been interviewed on the BBC concerning premarital agreements, and has appeared in several programs concerning family law topics, including, most recently, on Eleanor Mondale's talk show on WCCO Radio.
Mr. Winer has co-chaired the Moss & Barnett family law practice area for many years, which is comprised of other distinguished attorneys.
Areas of Practice:
- Antenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
- Appeals
- Business and Professional Practice Issues in Family Law Proceedings
- Custody and Other Children's Issues
- Family Law Dissolutions
- Intellectual Property in Family Law Proceedings
- Family Law Litigation and Appeals
- Nonmarital and Marital Property in Dissolution Proceedings
- Post Judgment Family Law Matters
