Mary C Lauhead
Family Lawyer
Mary Catherine Lauhead
3985 Clover Ave
Saint Paul MN 55127-7015
Tel: 651 426-0870
"A Distinguished Member of the Minnesota State Bar Family Law Section, Mary has 30 years of trial and settlement experience in custody, business and professional practice valuations and financial issues, including child and spousal support. She brings those skills to Rule 114 neutral work, doing valuations, mediations, arbitrations and special master appointments. Active in amicus and bar committees, Mary stays on the cutting edge of family law issues and precedential appeals. Recognizing the vulnerability of parties caught up in the system, Mary works to educate them about the process and get through the present with hope of the future. As a guardian ad litem, parenting consultant, and expeditor, Mary advocates responsibility, communication and respect between parents." --Minnesota Law & Politics, August/September 2008.
Minnesota's Top 40 Alternative Dispute Resolution Super Lawyers--"Mary has worked with attorneys and parties as a mediator, custody evaluator, parenting time expediter and special master. As a Rule 114 certified neutral for valuations, mediations and arbitrations, she brings her twenty-six years of trial and settlement experience to the resolution of complex cases, whether the issues involve allocation of family assets and support dollars or the emotionally-charged disagreements about custody and parenting time. She has worked with parents as a guardian ad litem and parenting consultant to achieve sanity in the lives of children, dealing with complex logistical scheduling problems and competing parental objectives"--Minnesota Law and Politics Magazine, April/May 2003.
