Mary L Davidson
Divorce Mediation Minnesota ADR Arbitration Judge Minneapolis
Mary L. Davidson, former family law judge provides divorce dispute resolution through mediation, arbitration, med-arb, private judging and parenting counseling. Office location in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Law Office of Mary L Davidson
701 4th Ave S #500
Minneapolis MN 55415
Tel: 612 337-9003
Fax: 612 824-6512
Years ago, Mary L. Davidson was supporting her husband as he made his way through medical school. That marriage ended in divorce and Mary, who by then was a stay at home mother of four young children, realized she needed to support herself. She decided to go to law school because creating order from chaos really appealed to her.
In 1975, Mary started her legal career as a Family Law and Divorce attorney in Minneapolis. After practicing Family Law for several years and helping numerous clients through divorce, custody, property and other related battles, Mary was appointed to the district court bench in Hennepin County as a Referee. After seven years she became a judge. She sat in the Hennepin County District Court for 20 years. Mary spent 18 of those years in Family Court. During her last 8 years on the bench, she ran the very successful Divorce with Dignity program, which assisted people going through a divorce and unmarried parents to resolve their issues without going to trial. After she retired from the Bench in 2000, Mary saw the continuing need of divorcing individuals and their children to benefit from methods of dispute resolution that keep them out of the courtroom.
Mary L. Davidson's decades of experience with all aspects of Family Law have led her to her current career, which encompasses all methods of divorce Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Divorce ADR in its various forms can focus the energy of the parties on the positive results they seek and keep them out of court, potentially avoiding the huge financial and emotional toll that usually accompanies a divorce trial.
Based on Mary's extensive experience as a Minnesota divorce attorney, as a Hennepin County Family Court Judge and as a party to two divorces herself, she has written a book called The Everything® Divorce Book, which was published in 2003.
Mary is very active in the Family Law legal community. She is currently a Qualified Neutral on the Minnesota Supreme Court Family Law ADR Roster. She was on the Board of Directors and is currently a member of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. She is also a member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and has served on the Board of Governors of the National AAML, is a past-president of the AAML Minnesota Chapter and continues to be active in both organizations. Mary is also a member of the Family Law Sections of the Hennepin County Bar Association and the Minnesota State Bar Association and the American Bar Association.
If you were wondering if this is the same Mary Davidson you read about in the 2003 Minneapolis Star-Tribune article about Harley-Davidson Motorcycle's 100th Anniversary, it is. Mary L. Davidson in the granddaughter of Harley-Davidson co-founder Arthur Davidson and has been an active speaker in the biking community, sharing Family Law advice in seminars such as "How Not to Lose Your Harley in a Divorce" and "A Smoother Ride Through the Divorce Process."
Please contact Mary for more information or to set up a meeting.
