Bowman & Brooke LLP
From boardroom to courtroom
Bowman & Brooke LLP
150 S 5th St #3000
Minneapolis MN 55402
Tel: 612 339-8682
Fax: 612 672-3200
Business, Commercial and Financial Litigation
Litigation is not a desirable situation for any business. It seems even the smallest of matters can snowball into expensive and nasty battles. Litigation can misdirect your attention from business goals and siphon dollars directly away from your bottom line. In today’s business world, however, litigation is sometimes unavoidable, and you need an experienced litigation team on your side.
We advise clients on the regulatory and legal risks of their business methods and operations and counsel them about the impact of proposed future regulations. We identify business practices that may give rise to future lawsuits or regulatory actions and counsel clients on how to eliminate or minimize that risk and how to best position themselves to defend against such claims should they arise. We have the skills to argue your case in the courtroom or resolve it at the bargaining table, but our goal is to keep you out of court by helping you identify and proactively respond to potential problems before they become lawsuits or regulatory actions.
Recognized nationally by our clients, we act as a first-class legal resource in helping resolve disputes against your business and avoiding or discouraging future claims, letting you get back to business as quickly as possible. Whether your business is a closely held entity or an international conglomerate, each client and each matter is highly valued, treated with respect and handled in a manner to preserve your business image and advance your business goals.
However, we do more than just try cases; we enable our clients to settle early and cost-effectively the cases that should be settled. Our trial experience works inside and outside the courtroom, as our opponents know settlement is not a foregone conclusion. Also, under an Early Disposition Program we pioneered, we will thoroughly investigate, evaluate, and recommend whether to “try or buy†a case within 90 days after its filing.
In addition to representing businesses in more traditional litigation matters, we have also represented lenders in a wide variety of litigation including adversary proceedings in bankruptcy, collection and loan foreclosure. We have had significant experience representing lenders in cases to collect loans and enforce rights under loan documents, including foreclosure of real property, personal property and mixed collateral, and provisional remedies such as appointing receivers and obtaining prejudgment attachments. We have also represented lenders in bankruptcy actions filed by borrowers, including obtaining relief from stay to foreclose or assert other rights of the lender, and objecting to disclosure statements and plans. Finally, we have defended against various types of lender liability claims and claims relating to violations of anti-deficiency laws and one form of action laws.
So whether your company has been wronged by another and needs to access the courts for proper relief, or has been served with a frivolous lawsuit, you will find us to be knowledgeable, diligent and effective legal partners to help you protect and defend your business.
