Cousineau McGuire
Offering Minnesota's Largest Dedicated Workers' Compensation Practice
For more than sixty years, Cousineau McGuire has vigorously represented insurers, businesses and professionals in the Upper Midwest in civil litigation and workers' compensation matters.
Cousineau McGuire
1550 Utica Ave S #600
Minneapolis MN 55416
Tel: 952 546-8400
Fax: 952 546-0628
Workers' Compensation
Our firm's history has a rich tradition in workers' compensation law and defense. We have a very respectable practice fully devoted to workers' compensation with attorneys who provide representation throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan on behalf of insurers, self-insured employers and third-party administrators.
Our firm is the exclusive Minnesota member of the National Workers' Compensation Defense Association, an international network of independent law firms created to provide employers and insurers access to the highest quality representation in workers' compensation and related employer liability fields.
Cousineau McGuire attorneys have handled virtually every possible type of case in this field. Years of experience have given us keen insight into all aspects of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan statutes, rules and case law. With this, we have developed a broad knowledge base and comprehension of medical-legal issues which enables our workers' compensation attorneys to be exceptionally effective in cross examining physicians.
Lawyers from Cousineau are involved with claims before venues including: Minnesota DOLI and OAH, the Minnesota Workers' Compensation Court of Appeals and the Minnesota Supreme Court. In Wisconsin, our attorneys have appeared at the Department of Workforce Development, Labor and Industry Review Commission, and the Circuit Court, Court of Appeals and the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Additionally, our lawyers have experience with matters heard at the Michigan Workers' Disability and Compensation Bureau and the Michigan Workers' Compensation Appellate Commission.
Many of our workers' compensation attorneys are recognized as leaders within the workers' compensation realm, as adjunct professors teaching workers' compensation, as members of the Governor's Advisory Commission on Workers' Compensation or as contributors to or as members of Larson's National Workers' Compensation Advisory Board.
