Gordon B Conn Jr
Bankruptcy Law

Although enactment of the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform legislation altered the landscape in many ways, encounters with bankruptcy remain an unfortunate fact of life for many businesses and individuals, both as creditors and debtors.

Kalina, Wills, Gisvold & Clark, P.L.L.P., has lawyers with extensive experience in bankruptcy-related matters. In bankruptcy cases, our lawyers have represented secured creditors, unsecured creditors, committees, trustees, and debtors. Outside of bankruptcy, our lawyers are experienced in “work-out” arrangements, both from the creditor and debtor side.

Our experience in representing bankruptcy trustees in preference and fraudulent transfer litigation provides valuable insight and knowledge when we represent creditors sued as defendants in such “avoidance” actions. Our experience in non-bankruptcy areas, such as motor transport, warehouse liens, real estate, and environmental matters provides valuable support for clients when bankruptcy gives rise to issues related to such non-bankruptcy areas.

Gordon B Conn Jr
Kalina, Wills, Gisvold & Clark PLLP
6160 Summit Dr #560
Minneapolis MN 55430
Tel: 612 789-9000
Fax: 763 503-7070
E-mail: conn@kwgc-law.com

Board Certified Specialist in Business Bankruptcy - American Board of Certification

Gordon Conn practices primarily in bankruptcy and business litigation, and is board-certified in business bankruptcy by the American Board of Certification. He was counsel of record for Petitioners in Norwest Bank Worthington v. Ahlers, 485 U.S. 197 (1988), and argued and won that case in the United States Supreme Court. In bankruptcy matters, he represents secured creditors, committees, trustees, and unsecured creditors, and has acted as liquidating agent. In business litigation, he has represented clients in a wide variety of cases, including securities, trade regulation, transportation, insurance, banking, and commercial transactions.

Gordon is an honors graduate of the University of Michigan Law School where he was Article and Book Review Editor of the Michigan Law Review. After graduation, he served as law clerk to the Chief Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court. Prior to joining the firm in 1999, Gordon had been a partner in the Business Litigation and Banking/Commercial practice groups of Faegre & Benson, LLP.
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